Our Water Mapping Department is here to assist you with acquiring a Water Map (also known as an Asset Plan) showing South East Water’s clean water pipes that are located in the public roads and footpaths.
For commonly asked questions about our Assets, Supply Pipes and Maps, please click here to see our FAQ's
Only South East Water assets will be shown on these maps (to obtain a map of the sewer pipes, you will need to contact your sewage provider); private supply pipes (also known as property connections) and meters etc. will not show on the plan.
Speak to our expert team to arrange a quote for your leak repair work by calling: 0333 000 0058(opens in a new tab) (option 1) or email us at waterlink@southeastwater.co.uk(opens in a new tab)
- If you need to locate your water meter or stop-cock, please contact the South East Water Customer Technical Centre team on 0333 000 1100(opens in a new tab)
- For locating your private supply pipes, please contact our expert team on 0333 000 0058(opens in a new tab) (option 1) if you would like more information and a quote.

Scale and time frame
Maps are produced electronically at a scale of 1:1250 on A4 unless requested otherwise (A3, A2 and A1 are available) or the area required is larger than one property.
All requests are replied to within 3-4 working days, and maps are created and emailed to your chosen email address within 15 minutes of processing the payment.
If the area requested requires more than one map (either because the area is too large or because a small scale is required), we will contact you via email stating how many maps will be required and what the exact cost will be. After payment has been made, please note we will be unable to cancel your request.
Maps are supplied free of charge to statutory undertakers (if working on behalf of a statutory undertaker, evidence will be required).
For non-statutory undertaker enquiries, there will be a charge.
Payment can be made by card (we will phone the number provided to process the payment).
Alternatively, our records can be viewed free of charge at our office, please see below.
Arrange an appointment to view maps
In accordance with the Water Industry Act (1991), members of the public may make appointments to view the maps free of charge. Viewing is available in our Aylesford office by appointment only from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Please contact us on 0333 000 0058(opens in a new tab) (option 5) or email us at water.maps@southeastwater.co.uk(opens in a new tab) to arrange an appointment.
If during the viewing, you require a paper copy of the map, a charge will be applicable.